Selasa, 24 Januari 2023

What is CV?

Halo everyone! today i will share with you guys about how to make CV and resume.

Before we are going to make cv and resume, we should know the definition of  CV and resume.

Defunition of CV

A curriculum vitae, often shortened as CV, is a document that candidates use to showcase their academic and professional achievements. It is used to apply for positions in areas that require one's particular knowledge or skill.

The purpose of CV

CV is a facilitates valuation of candidate skills and abilities based on personal details such as education, work experience, skills and interests in relation that company needs.

After knowing about the definition and purpose of CV, we will learn about expressions in CV and resume

1.       Expressions in CV and Resume

A.      CV in sentence

¨       Candidates, please send CV and cover letter.

¨       Please send full CV, citing appropriate references.

¨       Check the accuracy of everything on your resume.

¨       Send them a copy of your resume.

¨       Send CV with cover letter.

¨       Submit a complete CV with your application.

B.      To avoid using empty words and phrases in your CV/resume, the STAR technique can help you tell your story more convincingly. Often used in interviews, STAR stands for:

¨       Situation: What is the situation or challenge you faced?

¨       Task: What is the task you have to do?

¨       Action: What specific actions did you take in response to the situation or challenge?

¨       Result: What is the result you achieved or the result you got?

2.       Sample of CV

We already know the definition of a CV, the purpose of creating a CV. Now start trying to create a CV. I will go first

That is how to make CV guys, hope you understand what i want explained to you all. Thank you!

Selasa, 17 Januari 2023


Hi everyone! ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^

Kali ini saya akan berbagi beberapa informasi mengenai job interview. Tapi kalian tau gak sih apa itu job interview? Kita simak yuk!

1.       Understanding

Job interview is a process in which a potential employer is evaluated by an interviewer for his ability to work with a company, organization or company. During this process, the interviewer hopes to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the position. So, if you want applying on a job position, you got to go prepare beforehand and consider whether the position is suitable for the field you are good at.

Kalian sudah tahu kan apa itu job interview, sekarang kita beralih ke pertanyaan yang sering diajukan saat wawancara pekerjaan.

1.       Question & Answer

1)      Tell me about yourself

Tell about yourself and why you’re an ideal candidate for the position. Don’t giving too much or too little personal information.

2)      Why do you want to work at this company?

Do your research and include something that makes the company unique and that you really like about the company to impress the recruiter.

3)      Why are you the best person for this job?

Trying to be confident when answered the question and explains what you have to offer also why you should get the job.

4)      What is your greatest strength?

Try to show rather than tell because it’s important to discuss the attributes that qualify you for that specific job, and that will set you apart from other candidate.

5)      What is your greatest weakness?

Trying to answer around positive aspects of your skill and abilities, turning seems ‘weaknesses’ into ‘strengths’.

3.       Sample

Saat wawancara kerja, tidak hanya cara menjawab pertanyaan kita yang diperhatikan, tetapi sikap kita juga, bagaimana cara duduk kita dan gesture tubuh kita.

4.       Etiquette

            1)      Don’t be late or too early

       2)      Dress to impress the interviewer

   3)      Knowing name the interviewer

   4)      Practice handshake, because sometimes you would handshake with the interviewer

   5)      Turn your phone off

   6)      Do sit up straight and look genuinely interested

   7)      Do keep good eye contact

   8)      Don’t cross arms

   9)      Don’t stare for too long

   10)   Don’t keep looking around the room

   11)   Always be prepared

   12)   Don’t over share

       13)   Show gratitude   

5.    Video Sample

This conversation based on sample number 3

That’s it all I know about job interview, hope you guys are understand what I explained, thank you.

Senin, 16 Januari 2023


     Application letter itu apa sih? Application letter itu adalah surat yang dipergunakan untuk melamar pekerjaan. Sebelum menulis application letter, kita tentunya harus tau fungsi application letter dan bagian-bagian application letter. Nah, disini saya ingin membagikan beberapa informasi yang saya tahu untuk menulis sebuah application letter. Jadi gimana sih menulis application letter itu? Yuk kita simak.

Pertama, fungsi application letter. Jika sudah mengetahui fungsi kita akan tahu untuk apa surat ini dibuat.

1.      Function

Application letter is a letter for introduce your relevant skill and abilities for the job position you're applying for.

Sesudah kita mengetahui fungsi dari applicetion letter, kita juga harus mengetahui bagian-bagian application letter. Jadi, apa saja sih bagian-bagiannya? Yuk kita simak.

2.      Part of Application Letter

a)      Information that should be included in your cover letter.

Name and title of the received (recruiter) & name and address of the company.

b)      Sender’s contact information

  Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, and date when you write the letter.

c)      Company contacts information

  Name and title of the received (recruiter) & name and address of the company.

d)      Greeting/salutation

e)      Opening Paragraph.

f)       Middle Paragraph

Your purpose for writing the letter

g)      Contact Information of yourself and Closing.

Application letter juga menggunakan expressions atau kalimat yang kurang lebih seperti ini.

3.      Expressions/sentence

a)    Introduction

      "I have been familiarize with AutoCAD..." 

b)    Reason for writing

“I am writing to apply for the drafter position…”

c)      Education and previous experience

“With a S1 degree in Civil Engineering…”

d)      What makes you ideal for the position

“I have full understanding of the full life of cycle of software AutoCAD.”

e)      Closing statement

“Thank you for your time and consideration…”


Pada saat menulis application letter, tentunya kita harus mengetahui kepada siapa surat itu ditujukan. Contohnya pada saat kita melihat job advertisement dan ingin apply pada job tersebut. Sebagai contoh, saya sudah melampirkan job advirtesement yang ingin saya apply di bawah ini.


Sekarang kita tiba di penghujung, yaitu menulis application letter. Seperti ini contohnya

Source :

Nah, kita sudah melihat contoh application letter itu seperti apa, sekarang kita akan mencoba menulis application letter sesuai job advertisement diatas, i will go first.

4.      Writing Application Letter

Yay, terima kasih sudah menyimak penjelasan saya, semoga penjelasan tadi dapat dimengerti dan bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

Selasa, 10 Januari 2023

Pengalaman Prakerin


Halo, Saya siswa kelas 12 SMK yang baru menyelesaikan prakerin. Berhubung jurusan saya Desain Permodelan dan Informasi Bangunan, saya memilih prakerin di sebuah proyek. 

Saya diberi tugas sebagai Logistik yang bertugas untuk mendata dan menerima material masuk, salah satunya menghitung semen dan melaporkan kepada admin di kantor seperti foto di atas.

Pada saat menerima barang, saya harus menghitung satu persatu, apakah jumlah barang yang dikirimkan sama dengan jumlah yang tertera di nota. Jika tidak sama, kita harus melaporkan pada admin kantor dan admin kantor akan komplain ke toko yang mengirim. 

Pada saat menerima pasir atau tanah urug juga saya harus mengukur dump truck dengan naik ke atasnya. Pengukuran dump truck menggunakan rumus V=PxLxT. Tinggi truck sebisa mungkin diukur dengan 3 titik, depan-tengah-belakang.

Mungkin itu dulu pengalaman yang bisa saya bagikan, terima kasih sudah membaca.

What is CV?

Halo everyone! today i will share with you guys about how to make CV and resume. Before we are going to make cv and resume, we should know t...